With CalenTask, I can easily prioritize tasks and focus on what matters. It keeps me on track and productive, day in and day out.
Like the team Adnan works with, Buffer encourages its teams to choose the tool that works best for them, whether its JIRA, GITHUB, TRELLO or others. Software engineers have different needs and goals when it comes to working through a project, so it makes sense that what might work for marketing, might be inadequate for development. Recognizing these differences and not trying to force-feed a one-size-fits-no-one solution on the entire enterprise is a key ingredient in Buffer’s remote-work success.
When it comes to communications, Buffer takes a 3-prong approach: SLACK, for synchronous communications, THREADS, for asynchronous communications, and ZOOM, for larger team meetings, or for sensitive issues that require confidentiality. Adnan explained that they didn’t land on those tools immediately—there was an evolution. Early on in Buffer's journey, communications were primarily email-based, like most companies. Unlike most companies though, every email was cc’d to the entire organization (except for sensitive issues, of course). This helped ensure everyone had access to every piece of information they needed to do their jobs.
“There used to be this joke that people who worked at other companies knew more about what was happening at Buffer than they knew what was happening inside their own company.”
Buffer went through a process in determining what tools would work the best for them. That’s how they landed on tools like Zoom. “Zoom is vastly superior to all other solutions out there. Slack is stable, all of their integrations work—there aren’t really a lot of shortcomings there. We just branched out to Threads because it helped us focus more on the asynchronous communications that allow us to work over several different time zones."
Like many remote teams, Buffer began using Slack to keep team members in contact. And, while Slack does allow for asynchronous communication, there’s a certain psychology that goes with the platform that favors synchronous communication—which can cause a certain amount of angst within a team if someone is repeatedly seeking an immediate response and interrupting the flow of their teammates.
“Slack lends itself well to 20-word messages in real-time. We found that threads suited us better for longer-form, asynchronous communications.”
When asked what truly distinguishes those who can succeed in remote work vs. those who can’t, Adnan stresses that it’s the responsibility of both the company and the employee. “The company must be dedicated to ensuring all communications are available to all employees. This is difficult in hybrid situations, where some employees ‘work from home’ and others come to the office. Too many conversations happen offline and never get communicated to the remote employees. It just doesn’t work that way.”
While it’s not something everyone is always good at, for employees to be successful in remote environments, the key is clear and concise communication; this unlocks the true potential of a remote worker.